
Showing posts from August, 2022

Wow magazine

Wow magazine Wow magazine  Hyderabad in English life style magazine  subscribe now   published this article page no 36 there is also the choice between fee-for-service plans and managed care plans. managed care plans may be cheaper as may be required to go to the health care professionals that the insurance company dictates where as fee-for-service plans allow you to go anywhere you want another excellent way to save money on your insurance is to see if you can get it as part of a group. perhaps your employer offers insurance or your union. other associations that offer the chance to get in on a group plan are churches and professional associations. be smart look around and explore your options. thats the best way to save on health insurance and get a good deal. many factors influence the premium for your motor insurance policy. your insurer will have asked you many questions whilst producing your quote - some of which will affect your premium and some will not. below we ...

arihant current affairs magazine

arihant current affairs magazine arihant current affairs magazine   Published this article page no 17     Integrity in actions Central to the scripture Bhagavad Gita promotes Nishkama Karma (detached involvement) over Sakama Karma (attached involvement). Nishkama Karma or selfless actions will lead to integrity by removing attachments egoism or actions with personal gain in mind. As verse 47 of Chapter 2 says 110 o You have a right to perform your prescribed duties but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions. Never consider yourself to be the cause of the results of your activities nor be attached to inaction. Objectivity in Decision Making Bhagavad Gita promotes Lok Samgraha i.e. holding all together. It inspires towards universal welfare (inclusive and sustainable development) through firmness of mind and preference to Shreya over Preya i.e. Goodness or Objectivity over pleasure or happiness. As verse 22 of Chapter 16 says o Those who are free from the three ...

sarita magazine

sarita magazine Get latest issue  sarita magazine  nabard should be utilised for this purpose. conclusion while there is a case for loan waiver in exceptional circumstances this could not be the only solution especially given the associated moral hazard which actually incentivizes defaults on loans. it can for a host of reasons being faced by the indian economy in general and agriculture in particular (e.g. rising pressure of population uncertain policies and 24 regulations and other production risks such as diseases shortage of inputs like seeds and irrigation coupled with drought flooding and unseasonal rains) be part of the bucket of various solutions. dbt scheme similar to rythu bandhu scheme of telangana could be well emulated as a way forward  Sarita magazine Hindi family magazine subscribe now . sarita magazine

Bsc banking services chronicle

Bsc banking services chronicle Bsc banking services chronicle  published by bsc academy   published this article 86 increasing participation it empowers citizen with information which increase their voice in decision making process and policies which are more likely to benefit them and less likely to be hijacked by special interest groups.equality in access proactive disclosure makes the information available to the public rather than particular or few individual(s).security publishing information also protects the security of individuals within society. requesting information for some individuals can sometimes be dangerous particularly if it threatens powerful interest groups.improving information management proactive disclosure is also a more efficient means of disclosing information than processing individual information requests both in terms of the number of people it reaches and the public administration burden. related newsindia recently ranked 6th in the global rti ran...