
Showing posts from September, 2022

Competition success magazine

Competition success magazine Competition success magazine   published this article Significance    Cyberspace as Fifth Dimension of warfare. Cyberspace applications today include surveillance. intelligence and actual conduct of military operations . both defensive and offensive. Attacks on critical ICT networks can provide significantly higher military advantages than physical attacks. International Comparisons. China has demonstrated potent military space and cyberspace capabilities. ranging from advanced ASAT anti.satellite.. laser weapons and cyber.weapons. Thus it is indispensable that India also develops it.s in house capabilities in cyber. space and special operations domain.    Special Operations. India had launched surgical strikes against Pakistan last year but they were mainly military led operations. The new agencies in cyber and space give us the capability to .plan. and assist the Special Forces to .conduct. special operations. . INT...

Competition success magazine

Competition success magazine Competition success magazine   Published this article this is the first commodity that the securities and exchange board of india sebi. has approved for options trading in 14 years. the launch is also in consonance with the earlier initiatives taken up by the government for easing trade in gold such as the gold monetisation scheme launched in 2015 and the sovereign gold bonds launched in 2016.  the options allow trading in 1 kg of gold.  the gold options would allow investors to hedge any volatility in the price of the metal. 3.18. price capping of medical devices why in news  us firms have approached the united states trade representative ustr. against the price capping of medical devices by india. generalised system of preferences  it is a preferential tariff system extended by developed countries also known as donor countries. to developing countries also known as beneficiary countries..  it involves reduced mfn tariffs or du...

General knowledge refresher

General knowledge refresher General knowledge refresher  covers all competitive exams  published this article there is no need to use the many middleman websites you will find via a search engine. most of these are bogus even the slick-looking ones.    more and more banks are offering offshore bank accounts direct. just get a list of banks in the country youre interested in and go to their web sites. opening an offshore bank account is like opening one in your high street meet their criteria and youre in. the only difference is youre not there in person. the first thing is to find out whether they will accept citizens or residents of your country. for example swiss banks tend not to want us customers they dont want the hassle from the irs. you will need to prove your identity and the legal existence of your company if you wish to open an account for it. if applying by mail do not part with original documents. get copies notarised by a notary public.    orig...

Shine india monthly magazine

  Shine india monthly magazine   Shine india monthly magazine   Published this article  Covid-19 has pushed the world into a pervasive crisis encompassing every aspect of human life. It has altered our consumption pattern shocked our smart production systems changed the modes of education and entertainment and has made us take a serious relook at the social animal definition of ourselves as a race that has increasingly learnt to dominate this planet. Arguably the most fearsome feature of this pandemic is its uncertainty from the symptoms and their absence to the possibility of its return with a vengeance and the serious after-effects on the recovered cases in terms of possible long-term damages it can cause to the vital organs of the patients requiring persistent medical testing and appropriate interventions long after the infection has subsided. It is time to introspect about the wrongs we have committed as civilised inhabitants of earth which makes our ways of livi...