
Showing posts from October, 2023

Arihant current affairs magazine

Arihant current affairs magazine Arihant current affairs magazine  published this article page no 3 in addition to boosting oil production kuwait is also looking to expand its gas production capabilities. koc responsible for about 90% of kuwaits oil output has plans to achieve a gas production capacity of 1.5 trillion cubic feet per day by the year 2040.kuwait boasts significant oil reserves estimated at around 100 billion barrels indicating the nations considerable potential for continued oil production  Arihant monthly current affairs magazine subscription . Arihant current affairs magazine

Meri saheli magazine subscription

Meri saheli magazine subscription Meri saheli magazine subscription   published this article page no 6 training for senior management:  the exercise aims to provide training for senior management and technical personnel from various sectors on contemporary cyber threats. incident handling and response:  it focuses on enhancing the knowledge and skills required to effectively handle cyber incidents and respond to them  Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription . Meri saheli magazine subscription