competition success review hindi subscription

competition success review hindi subscription

competition success review hindi subscription  Published this articles page no 12 National unity cannot be built by streamlining differences. Such forced unity only generates greater social strife and alienation and tends finally to destroy unity. A responsive polity sensitive to diversities and the demands for autonomy can alone be the basis of a cooperative federation. The recent pandemic has taught us many lessons in this regard. All the boundaries and resources have culminated in a collective fight with the virus. The States as well as the Centre have to get through this crisis together and stronger in seamless harmony complementing and compensating each other with a constructive consensus.

The enduring legacy of the State is defined by numerous factors including political capital and will administration and policing as well as hard and soft power. Of these the State defines its role through the most important tool at its disposal - formal institutions. They reflect the approach of the State towards understanding and solving the socio-economic development challenges of the time. One such institution which exemplified Indias approach to development in the post-independence era was the Planning Commission. In 2015 competition success review hindi subscription


competition success review hindi subscription


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