banking services chronicle study material

 banking services chronicle study material

 banking services chronicle study material Publish this articles page no  India consists of 16 percent of the worlds population but with only 4 percent of the worlds water resources. The total annual water available from precipitation in India is about 4000 cubic km. Surface water and replenishable groundwater contribute to 1869 cubic km but only 60 per cent of this can be put to beneficial uses.  The 2018 Composite Water Management Index CWMI 2.0 a pan-India set of metrics that measures different dimensions of water management and use across the lifecycle of water report released by the NITI Aayog in association with the Ministry of Jal Shakti and the Ministry of Rural Development.  It indicated that 21 major cities including Delhi Bengaluru Chennai Hyderabad and others are  racing to reach zero groundwater levels by 2020.  The report also indicated that by 2030 the countrys water demand is projected to be twice the available supply which will lead to a 6% loss in Indias GDP. banking services chronicle study material

banking services chronicle study material


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