Banking service chronicle
Banking servicechronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this article page no 8 eavesdropping and the bill of rights the president chose to circumvent the constitution and the bill of rights by having the national security agency (nsa) create a huge funnel whereby conversations of ordinary citizens in the united states were monitored in the name of anti terrorism. thirty year employees of the nsa reeked in horror at the notion. every bone in their bodies told them it was wrong. all the president had to do was appoint federal judges to the nsa to approve and monitor the program. there are similar judges who sit in the fbi offices full time for over a decade now who routinely approve federal wiretap orders. the president has put himself above the law in this case. he knew he was secure with a republican majority in both houses of congress who would protect him in ways that richard nixon was not protected. nixon would never have been driven from office if he had posssessed a republican majority. what about congress itself banking service chronicle monthly magazine.
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