Junior Science Refresher

 Junior Science Refresher

Junior ScienceRefresher this is science magazine in india published this article page no 38 most pearls that you can find in the market today are already cultured. have you ever wondered how freshwater cultured pearls began  thousands of years ago most pearls came exclusively from the ocean.  however not all oysters have produced a pearl inside.  in a harvest of three tons only about three or four oysters can produce a perfect pearl.  that is why the pearls at that time were outrageously expensive. so scientists thought of a way to culture pearls and they found out that if they will pry open the shell of the mussel introduce a very small object (like a bead or a metal) then return the mussel in the water it will also coat the object with nacre and produce a pearl. the first cultured pearls actually originated in japan with pearl farmers experimenting with freshwater mussels in lake biwa which is a lake near kyoto junior science refresher magazine buy

 Junior Science Refresher


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