Knowledge Quest Magazine
Knowledge Quest Magazine covers all general knowledge for class 1-8 published this article page no 39 we think this is more to do with prince albert wanting to influence the movers and shakers in the world as he is very concerned about global warming and the environment generally. and where better for that than washington? its monacos greenhouse next to the white house the new embassy chosen after a visit by prince albert is in the kalorama district of washington. the principalitys representative at the united nations gilles noghes is to double up as her ambassador. since prince albert assumed power in monaco he has been campaigning to push the environment and global warming up the political agenda to his fellow world leaders and recently joined britains prince charles on his birthday at his poundbury project in england designed with the environment in mind. prince charles and albert have similar views on the environment comment yourmonaco and prince charles has found a fellow european royal who has a similar outlook - soul mates knowledge questions in english.
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