Master in current affairs English

 Master in current affairs English

Master in current affairs English published by Mahendra Guru published this article page no 14 instead they borrow the money spend it and then owe the debt to europeans japan and china by continuing to build up the national debt. i havent checked this number in years but i would be willing to bet that between 80% and 90% of the total national debt has been built up by the republicans who call themselves the party of fiscal responsibility. maybe i am just getting older but i am getting far more cynical as the years go by and more liberal too but its not the liberals definition of liberal. barry goldwater taught me that abortion rights are a womans decision not 9 old people sitting on a supreme court. there should be a separation of church and state as provided by the constitution. if deeply religious people in this country want to vote than they absolutely should vote and participate in the political process just like everybody else. recognize that this country was founded by good hardworking people who left their rigid religious societies for something a lot better. we call it america. now when i sit back and look at this republican dominated congress i find it pathetic. the majority leader tom delay had to resign in disgrace gk questions current affairs buy.

 Master in current affairs English


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