Master in current affairs English

 Master in current affairs English

Master in current affairs English published by Mahendra Guru published this article page no 15 the house speaker denny hastert is totally asleep at the switch over information he received didnt received received and then didnt receive over the gay congressmans escapades. why is it that its all right to be a gay democratic congressman (aka barney frank) but you cant be a gay republican congressman (aka mark foley). republicans are in the closet about it and democrats are screaming it out loud. the democrats should be running on one issue and one issue only had enough forget about its time for a change. its time for a revolution. i could very easily see the republicans getting wiped in this election losing both houses in fact and then in essence making this current president impotent. how much more damage can president bush do if he faces a hostile congress. he could propose whatever he wanted to propose but if the democrats control the congress and wont fund it the game is over. this scenario would not be much better than the horror show currently on stage but you must hold the politicians in power accountable and nobody has done that in six years. maybe i was better off when my party was on the outs and i could at least fantasize how much better things would be when and if we got into power. my fantasies have turned into a nightmare with these people in office who are not my republicans and then theres donald rumsfeld but thats another story gk questions current affairs buy.

 Master in current affairs English


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