Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription
Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription
Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription published this is article page no 50 scowcroft was the professional with the experience. baker learned of course as the years went by and became a very effective diplomatic secretary of state. gates was there all the time a totally professional intelligence analyst who is the only cia career employee to rise from the bottom to become director. the presidents current status this president is in trouble and the people who surrounded him called the neo-cons got him into the mess hes in. what you need to understand is that george bush unlike many other politicians believes what he says and says what he believes. most politicians play to the crowd. this mans hero is probably harry truman who walked out of the white house with an approval rating approaching 25% in 1953 and went on to be venerated by succeeding generations of americans. president bush does not play to the crowd. this is evident in his news conferences when he can not help but show his feelings when reporters ask the stupidest showboat questions. bush will not have any part of it. he is an authentic guy that lives his life that way. if the iraq study group chaired by former secretary of state baker gives the president some very tough advice on iraq he just might take it. bush is not a fool. he knows this war is not going well. he also knows the american people like to keep their presidents on a short leash when it comes to wars and the free ride is now over. for the moment the pressure on president bush can only get worse. secretary of defense rumsfeld was taking the heat that rightfully belonged to the president. rumsfeld as a foil for this countrys anger is now gone. bush will instead take the heat himself .
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