competition wizard

competition wizard

competition wizard Published this article page no 20 One School in one kilometer radius.India has Land area. AS one school with in one kilo meter radius need approximately 2000000 primary schools, where as only 664041 schools are for me. This clearly means 1335959 more schools I require to get my education near to my home.Free education for allAs per 86th constitutional amendment has ensured me free and compulsory education (6-14year age). But in practical rural India and some urban, it is too implemented in true sprit. Common education system across India.As in India education is subject for all but responsibility of none, because there is not a uniform education system in nation. This has made me more vulnerable when I have to move around nation in my 6-14 years child hood. So I need a common education system across the nation to make me easy at every part of country as same competition wizard magazine buy.

competition wizard


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