Mahindra publications monthly magazine

Mahindra publications monthly magazine

Mahindra publications monthly magazine published this article page no 6 Wind is one of the cleanest, if not cleanest, renewable energy sources available to us. What most people dont know is it is also the fastest growing energy sector.Wind is an indirect version of solar power. Different surfaces on the Earth react differently to being hit by sunlight, particular in regards to heat. As sunlight heats up surfaces, they warm up at different rates. The surround air also warms up at different rates, fertilizing the wind process. Temperatures over a body of water like a lake will always be cooler than temperatures over rocky ground. Hot air rises and cool air rushes into fill such voids. As this process occurs, the rushing air manifests as wind and an incredibly cheap and clean energy source mahendra publication monthly magazine free download.

Mahindra publications monthly magazine


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