science reporter
science reporter Published this article page no 14 Whether you as a teacher realize it or not, you are the best model of behavior in your classroom. A large part of your proactive behavior plans should include your own behavior you demonstrate to the students every day.You must set expectations for your students, demonstrate the behaviors, and be vigilant to correct the kids. Dont waver on your expectations; inconsistencies will only confuse the students and cause you more problems. If you stay calm, collected, and in control, your students will exhibit the same behaviors. The same is true about enthusiasm; if you are excited about your lesson and truly believe in its importance, the kids will respond in kind. Conversely, the kids will know when you are tired, bored, dont want to be there, or are winging it.If you are late to class, or dont start on time, the kids will pick up on it and be more likely to do the same. The same is true about the way you dress, the way you act, the language you use, and your body language science reporter magazine buy.
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