Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this article page no 25 Its funny being a songwriter myself I always find that writing songs can sometimes be a chore. But why does it feel this way? Isnt this supposed to be my passion? Isnt this supposed to be something that I never get bored of? … well not exactly. Everything gets boring once in a while even the things that youre most passionate about. So every so often I like to take the lazy mans route to doing things. And surprisingly I often produce some very good results! So listen up. If you newbie at songwriting or even if you have been at it for a while -- Im going to a couple of simple tricks that will help you start the writing process within minutes. Here we go… 1) Review a particular situation in your day. It could be at work during your travels or at home. It could be with your workmates your family or your friends. Just any situation that affected you in either a positive or negative way. An example of this would be when youre at work your boss just keeps hounding you. But the only thing that keeps you going throughout the day is that you know that somebody in the office has a crush on you (the above is a very dry example… but try to work with me here!) 2) Write down as many words as you can think of that relate to your situation. Lets follow the example from earlier on anger pain sad happy excitement nervousness anxious misery impatience relaxation goofy sophisticated annoying frustrating antagonising fancy sexy cool pretty smile etc etc… you get the point -) 3) Write down random short sentences about your situation including the words that you mentioned him step 2. So lets continue in our little experiment…  the way he talked to me really angers me  if only he knew the pain I suffered inside  when I see her pretty eyes light up it makes me smile  I have to act cool and sophisticated -- dont want to get frustrated  he doesnt know what makes my day go by  dont want to be in this misery for much longer Etc etc. at this point its important to note that you dont have to use all the words that you mentioned earlier in step two. As you can see Ive even started to make up my own lines *without* any of the words too! Sometimes Im rhyming the words without even realizing. And this is exactly where the magic starts to happen… You can easily turn this idea into a full-fledged song. Use to help you find words that rhyme… and also other related words as well. My example was very average and simplified -- but you can use an example thats a little more dramatic. You should really get wild with your ideas! Really just let loose. 4) Listen to a backing track (an instrumental of a song) that you have NO CLUE about. While its playing make up a melody. Doesnt have to be perfect just create a melody on the fly. You dont have to sing any lyrics either. Just humm or laaa a tune out until youre hearts content. Why do this? This is an exercise that will subconsciously preparing you to create melodies for youre own chord sequences in the next step. 5) Create a SIMPLE chord progression on the guitar or keyboard. When I say simple I mean *simple*. Maybe TWO chords for the verse and TWO chords for the chorus. Now create a melody on top of that chord progression. Record the song on tape. There you have it. NOTE if you dont play an instrument then hook up with someone who does. After all you pretty much have half the song now -) Still think its difficult conceiving an idea? Want to know more? I have *plenty more* that I want to share with you banking service chronicle monthly magazine buy …

Banking service chronicle


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