meri saheli magazine

meri saheli magazine

meri saheli magazine  Published this article page no  51 Maladaptation Actions that focus on sectors and risks in isolation and on shortterm gains often lead to maladaptation if longterm impacts of the adaptation option and longterm adaptation commitment are not taken into account. o For example seawalls effectively reduce impacts to people and assets in the shortterm but can also increase exposure to climate risks in the longterm as reduce space for natural processes. Maladaptive responses to climate change cano Create lockins of vulnerability exposure and risks that are difficult and expensive to change. o Decrease Biodiversity and ecosystem resilience to climate change. o Affect marginalised and vulnerable groups adversely (e.g. Indigenous Peoples ethnic minorities lowincome households informal settlements) by reinforcing and entrenching existing inequities. Climate Resilient Development meri saheli magazine subscription buy.

meri saheli magazine


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