Junior science refresher

Junior science refresher

Junior science refresher Published this article page no  14 GLOBAL SOCIAL MOBILITY INDEX Why in News? World Economic Forum (WEF) has come out with its firstever Global Social Mobility Report. Global Social Mobility Index  It is designed to provide policymakers with a means to identify areas for improving social mobility and promoting equally shared opportunities in their economies regardless of their development.  The WEFs Global Social Mobility Index assesses the 82 economies on 10 pillars spread across the following five key dimensions of social mobility 65 Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act 1971  It provides for grounds of abortion o Where there is a risk that if child is born it would suffer from physical and mental abnormalities. o Where pregnancy can be a threat to life of women or would cause grave physical and mental injury to her. o Where pregnancy caused due to rape or due to the failure of contraceptive methods.  It provides for criteria for approval at different stages o In the first 12 weeks with the approval of one Registered Medical Practitioner (RMP). o Between 1220 weeks pregnancy can be terminated with the approval of 2 RMPs. o Beyond 20 weeks termination of pregnancy is allowed only after approval of the court.  Written consent from guardians is required for minors to access abortion Junior science refresher buy. 

Junior science refresher


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