Banking service chronicle
Banking service chronicle published this article page no 10 farmers rights a farmer who has evolved or developed a new variety is entitled for registration and protection in like manner as a breeder of a variety. section 39(1) of the act allows all farmers cultivating a registered new variety the right to save use sow resow exchange share or sell farm produce including seeds except the branded seeds. section 39 (2) of the act provides for compensation to the farmers for non-performance of variety. farmer shall not be liable to pay any fee in any proceeding before the authority or registrar or the tribunal or the high court under the act. it will be paid through national gene fund. implications of the current verdict setting a precedent this was the first case of infringement of rights under the act. it upholds farmers seed freedoms and sends an important signal that farmers rights cannot be taken lightly by ipr-holders in the country Banking service chronicle magazine subscription.
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