
Showing posts from January, 2024

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine Junior science refresher magazine  published this article page no 5 this article was published in magazine  truncated tenures no cec has completed a 6-year tenure since 2004 therefore cec is unable to do anything substantial.  silence over post-retirement jobs election commission (conditions of service of election commissioners and transaction of business) act 1991 is silent regard to the further appointment of the cec and ecs to any post or office under the government after their retirement. there is also nothing in the conditions of service act to prohibit a cec or ec from joining any political party after retirement. way forward  collegium system there is a need for a collegium that decides on the appointment of the election commissioner.  Junior science refresher magazine subscription price  post retirement dinesh goswami committee on electoral reforms in 1990 had recommended that the cec and ecs should not be eligible ...

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine Junior science refresher magazine  Published this article page no 4 this article was published in the month of november ucc refers to same set of civil laws applicable to all citizens of india in their personal matters such as marriage divorce custody adoption and inheritance.  the provisions for uniform civil code come under article 44 (directive principles of state policy) of the constitution. it says that the state shall endeavour to secure a ucc for the citizens throughout the territory of india. thus ucc comes under non justiciable part of constitution.  Junior science refresher magazine subscription price  also “personal laws” comes under concurrent list. current status of personal laws in india  different religious communities are currently governed by a system of personal laws which have been codified over the years through various pieces of legislation. for example hindu personal law is codified in four bills the hindu ...

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine shine india monthly magazine   published this article page no 6 make water resource management a top priority in order to handle rising water scarcity.  soil protection can be achieved through integrated landscape planning and sustainable management practices.  increase output and lower emissions by using appropriate machinery and precision farming. launched in 2011 with a rs. 350 crore investment to improve the resilience of indian agriculture to climate change. dedicated to the advancement of climate-resilient technologies and practices.   shine india monthly magazine subscription   national mission on sustainable agriculture the nmsa works through the adoption of a sustainable development pathway by gradually transitioning to environmentally friendly technology the use of energy efficient equipment natural resource conservation integrated farming and so on   shine india monthly magazine telugu buy . shine india monthly magazi...

competition success magazine

competition success magazine competition success magazine   published this article page no 9 post-independence india was well aware of the need for aircraft carriers to establish itself as a blue-water navy. since the sixties the indian navy has had the unique distinction of operating all variants of aircraft launch and recovery systems. for india the carrier battlegroup with its inherent combat elements and firepower becomes a key capability to establish effective air dominance and efficient sea control.   competition success review magazine price   sagarmala is the flagship programme of the ministry of shipping to promote port-led direct and indirect development and to provide infrastructure to transport goods to and from ports quickly efficiently and cost-effectively. the main vision of the sagarmala programme is to reduce logistics costs for international and domestic trade with minimal infrastructure investment   competition success magazine subscription . compe...

Arihant current affairs magazine

Arihant current affairs magazine   Arihant current affairs magazine   published this article page no 21 agriculture is a major contributor to global warming. as a result, it is critical for climate-smart agriculture to find strategies to cut emissions per kilo of food produced, avoid deforestation, and identify techniques to absorb carbon from the atmosphere.    to address the effects of climate change on agriculture, resilient crop types must be developed.   Arihant current affairs magazine monthly   climate-smart crops should be able to withstand a variety of threats such as pests, frosts, and extreme weather events.    to make climate-smart crop types available to farmers, efficient production and distribution are required launched in 2011 with a rs. 350 crore investment to improve the resilience of indian agriculture to climate change   Arihant monthly current affairs magazine subscription . Arihant current affairs magazine