Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine Published this article page no 4 this article was published in the month of november ucc refers to same set of civil laws applicable to all citizens of india in their personal matters such as marriage divorce custody adoption and inheritance.  the provisions for uniform civil code come under article 44 (directive principles of state policy) of the constitution. it says that the state shall endeavour to secure a ucc for the citizens throughout the territory of india. thus ucc comes under non justiciable part of constitution. Junior science refresher magazine subscription price also “personal laws” comes under concurrent list. current status of personal laws in india  different religious communities are currently governed by a system of personal laws which have been codified over the years through various pieces of legislation. for example hindu personal law is codified in four bills the hindu marriage act hindu succession act hindu minority and guardianship act and hindu adoptions and maintenance act.the term hindu also includes sikhs jains and buddhists for the purpose of these laws. certain aspects of muslim personal law are expressly recognised in india in acts such as the shariat application act and dissolution of muslim marriages act Junior science refresher magazine subscription.

Junior science refresher magazine


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