
Showing posts from February, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Get latest issue shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 47 well constructed wooden mail box will not allow rain drops ice and snow inside the mail box.   this avoids dampness to important mails.   wooden mail box with designs carved on it is no doubt beautifying the front yard and is an essential outdoor décor. wooden mail box with variety of colors serve as an educational kit to children.   children can learn different shapes and distinguish the different shapes and colors to solve trail and error problems.   wooden mail boxes made up of solid pine and fine oak finish is also available. wooden mail boxes are preferred by most people as it has traditional style elegance and has inviting feel.    the designs shapes and sizes of   wooden mail box is very attractive such as cottage mail box castle mail box homestead mail box farm house mail box church mail box school mail box light house mail box etc. ...

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this article page no 22 as an artist i have grown to appreciate all kinds of art. it took me studying art in college to really learn the fact that all people have different ideas of what art is and of what beauty is. i learned that i can value something as beautiful and that the next person might see it as strange or even lacking beauty. this is okay. and that is the true beauty of art. i have always loved cat art for example and it took a long time for the people around me to learn to appreciate my taste for cat art. i have been a lover of all things to do with cats since i was a little girl. my family had a constant flow of at least three or four cats at any given time throughout my growing up years. i began first with just loving cats but my love of cats quickly grew to loving cat art. i guess because i am also an artist at heart i found the combination of cats and ...

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher Junior Science Refresher this is science magazine in india published this article page no 3 computer training is provided by experienced certified industry experts that have years of seasoning in their respective field of information technology. all instructors use the official vendor curriculums for their courses along with using live company projects to enhance the usability of the training material. it is through this method of education that our students have been able to move on to high-level professions inside the it industry. abco technology is your one stop it solution company along with training we also offer it consulting services to companies including web site design corporate network setup repair and maintenance database design and development application development project management. whether you or your company need training on applications as well as computer use or need to update migrate or repair your existing company setup abc...

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher Junior Science Refresher this is science magazine in india published this article page no 2 this password is a basic yet important step in limiting router access in your network.  go into line configuration mode with the command line con 0 and set a password with the password command. limit user capabilities with privilege level commands. not everyone who has access to your routers should be able to do anything they want.  with careful use of privilege levels you can limit the commands given users can run on your routers. privilege levels can be a little clumsy at first but with practice youll be tying your routers down as tight as you like.  visit for documentation on configuring privilege levels. configure an enable secret password. its not uncommon for me to see a router that has an enable mode password set but its in clear text. by using enable secret the enable mode password will automatically be encrypte...

Banking Service Chronicle

Banking Service Chronicle Banking Service Chronicle published this article page no 7 last year gross was doing well despite her chronic lung disease. but after soychlor opened she lost ground quickly struggling to breathe. her physicians at university hospitals in iowa city where she has been participating in a research project urged her to move away she said. but she is a lifelong resident and she and her husband raised 10 children here. gross doesnt want to live anywhere else banking services chronicle magazine online purchase .   Banking Service Chronicle

Banking Service Chronicle

Banking Service Chronicle Banking Service Chronicle published this article page no 10 burkhardt said she first noticed that something was wrong when her skin would burn while she worked in the flower garden. eventually it drove her indoors where she would shower to make the burning stop. that was last spring after she spent several months in florida with her husband the same time arletta tasler and her husband returned from a winter in texas. they both developed coughs that have lasted for months they said. at times tasler said she has coughed so hard that she has vomited banking services chronicle magazine online purchase .   Banking Service Chronicle

Banking Service Chronicle

Banking Service Chronicle Banking Service Chronicle published this article page no 12 the women searched the internet for information about soychlor and the chemicals it used.the more they learned the more they became convinced that the culprit was soychlor.if you get this on your siding if its pitted think what its doing to your lungs said tasler who lives with her husband of 49 years shorty on a farmstead directly east of the plant where they raised eight children.burkhardt conroy and others contacted the head of city sanitation the public health nurse and the local newspaper editor. they began contacting the government — environmental and safety regulators iowas u.s. senators even the white house banking services chronicle magazine online purchase .   Banking Service Chronicle

Bsc banking services chronicle

Bsc banking services chronicle Bsc banking services chronicle  published by bsc academy   published this article page no 15 in the desert and grasslands, camels are more practical as they can survive long periods without food and water, unlike horses. as a result few true desert bred horses exist today, so they are rarely seen in show rings, remaining mostly for breeding. other desert type horses evolved, but none were ever considered by the bedouins for their arabians.the nomadic people were the first to domesticate horses. they encouraged both pacing and other flying gaits which could carry their tribes long distances without tiring the horses. the severe climate required the nomads to share food and water, and sometimes even their tents with their horses  Bsc banking services chronicle buy . Bsc banking services chronicle

Bsc banking services chronicle

Bsc banking services chronicle Bsc banking services chronicle  published by bsc academy   published this article page no 14 though the honda inverter generator is extremely efficient, you still want to choose the right model for your needs.  even though honda inverter generators are smaller and lighter than their conventional counterparts, there are still different sizes from which to choose.  the standard rule does apply with honda inverter generators: the larger the model, the more work it will do.  when shopping for a honda inverter generator, keep in mind the tasks that you will need it to perform, and buy accordingly.  the salespeople and technicians at honda should be able to help you find the honda inverter generator that suits your purposes.horses thrived and survived in various regions and climates. each area developed distinct breeds with qualities that were vital to the people of that region. in many ways, horses changed the lives of the people t...

Bsc banking services chronicle

Bsc banking services chronicle Bsc banking services chronicle  published by bsc academy   published this article page no 13 another benefit of using inverter technology is that honda inverter generators need only be about half the size and weight of conventional generators, though they have every bit as much power.  the alternator is built right into the honda inverter generator, making it much more compact and light, and giving it exceptional portability.  the fuel efficiency of the honda inverter generator is unsurpassed; one small thirty-pound model can run up to eight hours on a single tank of gas, and a larger forty-six pound model can run up to fifteen hours on one single tank. as far as noise level, the honda inverter generators run so softly that most people would not even notice that they were in use  latest issue bsc banking services chronicle . Bsc banking services chronicle

Science reporter

Science reporter Science reporter  Published this article page no 89 At the high school level, 64 percent of the students in the Class of 2005 graduated in a four-year period. More students are graduating each year and more are earning Regents Diplomas, but the graduation rate still is too low.The New York schools report cards also showed a correlation between attendance and graduation rates. When attendance falls below 92 percent, the graduation rate declines significantly.  When attendance is below 88 percent, the graduation rate plummets.State Education Commissioner Richard Mills believes the graduation rate is much too low. Though student achievement is improving, Mills believes that new reforms are needed to improve the graduation rates of the future New York schools classes.  During the next few months, the New York schools will take a series of aggressive actions to solve the problem. Actions under consideration are:Set both graduation and attendance goals, measuri...

darpan book

  darpan book darpan book  Published this article page no 72 Positive parents are what we all expect and hope for. They come in with an open mind, are pleasant, and are willing to both listen to your comments and help with solutions to problems that do occur. These are often very short conferences at the middle and high school levels. The parents have heard the stories all before, and with good reason; students whose parents regularly attend conferences have higher grade averages and fewer instances of behavior problems than those students whose parents rarely interact with school personnel.The truth be known, many parents are intimidated by teachers. Many do worry that their concerns and critiques will be turned around and used against their kids. Even though teachers find this entire concept laughable and preposterous, it does, nonetheless, cross many parents minds. So, what do you do with a hostile parent? Diffuse the situation by being patient and listening. Sometimes its ...

pratiyogita darpan download

pratiyogita darpan download pratiyogita darpan download   Published this article page no 71  It is extremely important to make a good first impression (even if yo   already know the parents). Make eye contact with them, and greet the parents with a firm handshake. No weak grips! If youve never met the parents, stand up to introduce yourself. Welcome them with a smile. Remember that you are building relationships, and setting the tone for the conference.A good way to open the conference is to ask how the student is doing in other classes. Ask about their other grades, and start building an overall picture. You will often find the students strong and weak areas, and you may even find surprises. Ive found students who were failing every class but mine. And Ive found the opposite too. A good overall picture can really give you a new perspective on your students.Always try to say something positive. Even in the cloudiest of situations, you should find some ray of sunshine...

Civil services magazine

Civil services magazine Civil services magazine  Published this article page no 15 If you want your students working from coast to coast, or from bell to bell, you need to set the expectation of activity all hour. Start with a warm up, and ensure the kids are doing it. Keep them busy on activities with transitions between each. Dont let there be any down time. Work them to the end of the period, and have them pack up when you say so, not whenever they want to.If you want your students to quietly read in class, but you are spending that time working on other things, it sends the message that you dont value the activity personally. Modeling the skill for the kids reinforces your belief that it is important. It shows you as a lifelong learner who values the skills youre teaching them.The same is true for writing, or labs, or math problems. Students rarely have the chance to see real people performing schoolwork - for many, the only examples (and role models) are their classmates. Work...

science reporter

science reporter science reporter  Published this article page no 14 Whether you as a teacher realize it or not, you are the best model of behavior in your classroom. A large part of your proactive behavior plans should include your own behavior you demonstrate to the students every day.You must set expectations for your students, demonstrate the behaviors, and be vigilant to correct the kids. Dont waver on your expectations; inconsistencies will only confuse the students and cause you more problems. If you stay calm, collected, and in control, your students will exhibit the same behaviors. The same is true about enthusiasm; if you are excited about your lesson and truly believe in its importance, the kids will respond in kind. Conversely, the kids will know when you are tired, bored, dont want to be there, or are winging it.If you are late to class, or dont start on time, the kids will pick up on it and be more likely to do the same. The same is true about the way you dress, the w...

Master in current affairs

Master in current affairs Master in current affairs  Published this article page no 13 For middle classes this ratio in state was 33:1 in contrast to national average 31:1. Here one point is to mention this state was created on 1st nov.1966. The above student teacher ratio for the corresponding year was 43:1 and 30:1 for primary and middle classes respectively. Education budget at the creation of state in 1966 was merely 277.2 Lac rupees. Which reached 138429.51 Lac was invested which was 55.7% of total money allocated to education.  Thus after this statistics of one of the pioneer states of India one can guess situations in UP, Bihar, Orrisa and rest of other states of country.To make mind blowing and not blowing quantum of the student is directly linked to excellence in education. Money and personals are here only precise planning is required.Will our education planners ever do this and when? Answer to these questions lies in dark room. Who will open the doors of this dark r...

drishti current affairs today

drishti current affairs today drishti current affairs today   Published this article page no 153 Ten years later, The Scream was stolen again from the Munch Museum. This time, the robbers used a gun and took another of Munchs painting with them. While Museum officials waiting for the thieves to request ransom money, rumors claimed that both paintings were burned to conceal evidence. Eventually, the Norwegian police discovered the two paintings on August 31, 2006 but the facts on how they were recovered are not known yet.The online gambling industry is the most profitable industry on the internet. Millions of people around the world are wagering on sports online, playing online poker, bingo and even the lottery online at any of the thousands of gambling sites available on the net. Even people who have never visited a land based casino or a local bookie are finding themselves visiting online casinos and poker rooms on a regular basis. So, what makes gambling on the internet so appeal...

drishti current affairs today

drishti current affairs today drishti current affairs today   Published this article page no  152 The thieves took two paintings and one print by Rembrandt, and works of Vermeer, Manet, Degas, Govaert Flinck, as well as a French and a Chinese artifact. As of yet, none of the paintings have been found and the case is still unsolved. According to recent rumors, the FBI are investigating the possibility that the Boston Mob along with French art dealers are connected to the crime. The Scream:The painting by Edvard Munchs, The Scream, is probably the most sought after painting by art thieves in history. It has been stolen twice and was only recently recovered. In 1994, during the Winter Olympics in Lillehammer, Norway, The Scream was stolen from an Oslo gallery by two thieves who broke through an open window, set off the alarm and left a note saying: thanks for the poor security. Three months later, the holders of the painting approached the Norwegian Government with an offer: 1 mi...

Mahindra current affairs magazine

  Mahindra current affairs magazine Mahindra current affairs magazine   Published this article page no 151 It took about two years until the mystery was solved by the Parisian police. It turned out that the 30×21 inch painting was taken by one of the museum employees by the name of Vincenzo Peruggia, who simply carried it hidden under his coat. Nevertheless, Peruggia did not work alone. The crime was carefully conducted by a notorious con man, Eduardo de Valfierno, who was sent by an art faker who intended to make copies and sell them as if they were the original painting. While Yves Chaudron, the art faker, was busy creating copies for the famous masterpiece, Mona Lisa was still hidden at Peruggias apartment. After two years in which Peruggia did not hear from Chaudron, he tried to make the best out of his stolen good. Eventually, Peruggia was caught by the police while trying to sell the painting to an art dealer from Florence, Italy. The Mona Lisa was returned to the Louver...

Red Magazine Vizag

  Red Magazine Vizag Red Magazine Vizag  in English life style magazine   Published this article page no 129 For lunch ($12.75), the fare typically is limited -- if you can call it that -- to a dozen cuts of beef, pork sausage, giant chicken drumsticks and turkey cubes wrapped in bacon.At dinner ($21.75), the choices expand to 22 different meats. All the beef you can get at lunch, plus skirt steak, succulent beef and pork ribs, ribeye, lamb. Theres roasted salmon. And now the exotics come in. Alligator, duck, quail, chicken heart.The aroma of smoky meat fills the room, and depending on your sensibilities, it is either delectable or overpowering.None of it should come as a surprise. You know what youre getting the minute you pull into the parking lot.One of those big photo banners hangs on the exterior wall facing the parking lot. A smiling meat server manhandles a loaded skewer. A dozen other full skewers loom next to him. Barbecue smells, richer than anything that wafts ...

Red Magazine Vizag buy

Red Magazine Vizag buy Red Magazine Vizag in English life style magazine   Published this article page no 130 She liked the skirt steak and the ribeye, but six or seven servings of different meats later, she was full and ready to go. She waited patiently for me to work through the beef rib -- as beautiful as any prime rib Ive had -- the quail, the alligator, the rabbit, the pork.For her patience, she rewarded herself with a chocolate cheesecake served from a rolling cart by Jessica, the ``dessert girl -- another curious Midwestern touch -- and we split a pineapple sorbet that was a perfect cap to my gorging: light, creamy, cold and served in a hollowed-out pineapple husk.Restaurant manager Roman Alcaraz says theyve built a loyal following, among area Brazilians to be sure -- perhaps its the caipirinha cocktails, a sort of Brazilian margarita made with cachaca, a type of Brazilian rum -- but also from the full melange of Orange Countys many immigrants, be they Asian, Latin or Illino...

Csr subscription

Csr subscription Csr subscription   Published this article page no 125 Drugs change the brains receptors sites. Enough drug usage can permanently alter the brain, and its ability to absorb vital nutrients. Our receptor sites are similar to loading docks in the brain, sending and receiving messages continually. These messages are sent through chemicals which are moved about though electrical surges. Not only do drugs alter the chemical balance in the brain, they eschew the pattern of energy pulses. But the most damaging effect of drug usage is permanent change in the cell walls, upon which other cells dock, much like how a key fits into a lock. If the lock is changed then the key wont fit.If you knew that you have the genetic coding for a disease, wouldnt you do everything in your power to keep the disease from activating before the need for a drug rehab program? If you understood that your disease was actively progressing, wouldnt you seek drug treatment? How can you help someone w...

Csr subscription

Csr subscription Csr subscription   Published this article page no 124 Everyone knows that there are blood and urine tests to determine if drugs or alcohol are present in the body. Few of us are aware that there is now a test which determines whether someone has the DNA for the addiction. There is a “Y” factor in the genetic coding of alcoholics and addicts. This genetic makeup determines how the body processes, and breaks down alcohol or drugs in the system. This “Y” factor distinguishes the addict from the drug abuser.An addict born with the DNA coding, or Y factor, is similar to the person who is born with the predisposition for cancer, diabetes, or lupus. As with cancer, when certain favorable conditions exist the diseases will activate and progress. For those with the addictive gene, once addictive chemicals are introduced into the body, the disease activates. It does not matter whether the addictive drugs are prescribed by a doctor or bought illegally.There are exceptions to ...

Master in current affairs English

Master in current affairs English Master in current affairs English   Published this article page no 105 Ask any expert and they will tell you that computers should be kept in high-traffic areas of the house, such as the kitchen or family room. Almost everyone will agree that letting a teenager have his or her own computer in the bedroom is not a good idea. But in a time when many families have more than one PC in the home, teens having their own Internet connection is an unavoidable reality. Add to that fact that this is the season of giving and making young wishes come true, chances are a lot more teens will be online with their own connections within the next month. As technology advances, however, parents can easily give their online youngsters privacy and freedom, while at the same time protect them from the dangers online. One word: monitoring software! Parents need to be smart when giving teens their own PC. Its important to adopt and enforce a new set of rules, such as leav...

Bsc banking services chronicle

  Bsc banking services chronicle Bsc banking services chronicle  published by bsc academy   Published this article page no 95  I hope these ideas are useful and inspire your own creative thinking. I lost track of how many bags of Doritos Ive eaten this week.  If I sat up and looked underneath me, I bet I could get a lot better of an idea.  Ah, but I dont really want to do that.  Im really comfortable.  In fact, Ive been comfortable for…god, I guess four or five years now.  Its not that bad, sometimes friends come by and my mom has called me before too.  Although I do have one regret.  Probably my only issue with my life dedicated to the ultimate acquisition of sloth (really I like to think of myself as a Western monk), is that Ive acquired virtually no skills or experiences whatsoever, work or life derived.  Normally I wouldnt consider this a problem.  That drastically changed when I heard about work experience degrees.A w...

General knowledge refresher

General knowledge refresher General knowledge refresher  Published this article page no 92 Business groups see education in the Phoenix schools as top priority. They know that to survive in business today, and especially tomorrow, it takes qualified job candidates with college degrees and the skills to succeed. Otherwise, the businesses will not succeed. Historically in such situations, businesses eventually relocate to areas that graduate higher-skilled high school graduates, knowing that many will return to the area after college. Currently, Phoenix schools, along with the remainder of the state, are consistently ranked at the bottom nationally for the number of students who graduate from high school. Is it any wonder that businesses are concerned.Many parents seek alternatives to the Phoenix schools, unhappy with the school system. Many home school their children. Some move to specific areas in order to enroll their children into better schools. For those parents who can afford ...